The New Era of Business Software and Reporting

If you hear the words «business software» and «reporting,» binders full of spreadsheets, charts, and footnotes might spring to mind. There are conference rooms that are crowded with executives ruminating over slides. What’s missing is the potential for business value creation.

This is changing due to a few digital technologies that are reshaping the future of reporting. Machine learning and cognitive tools will take over much of the repetitive work involved in gathering data, making reports, and then disseminating them. Human workers are free to do more interesting tasks.

Utilization-based pricing is another method to make it easier for teams to benefit from the benefits of current data faster and more efficiently. By reducing the cost of data access this model allows companies to link value to spend, enabling them to quickly increase usage and scale their efforts.

Software companies must reconsider their methods of building, distributing, and charging for their products if it is their intention to succeed in the Age of Connected Work. The winners in this new era will redefine what is meant by «product-led» in the most literal sense of the word and use their products as engines for acquiring customers, retention, and expansion. This will require a re-established strategy-driven focus and the desire to expand their «as-a-service» offerings beyond membership rates. This will also require incorporating PLG principles into how they design, construct and deliver their products. To stay ahead of their competitors businesses will need to create a comprehensive ecosystem that includes strategy, stewardship, and architecture, and management, to harness data.

process optimization: reducing lead times and improving delivery speed

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