How to Conduct an Organization’s Election of Board Members

Board members are elected by their peers to represent the shareholders’ interests and make important decisions for the organization. The method of election differs by organization. Some organizations allow nominations from the committee, while others follow Robert’s Rules of Order to elect board members by way of an election of the entire board. In either scenario, it’s essential to establish clear guidelines and procedures for the procedure.

Recruitment of candidates is an ongoing process to ensure that the board has enough people with the skills and knowledge required to fulfill the goals and mission of the organization. The nominating committee will interview each candidate to determine if the person being considered has the appropriate combination of abilities as well as experience and perspectives for a position on the board. The nominating committee will also consider if the organization requires new expertise in areas like marketing, financial management, fundraising, strategic planning, and diversity and inclusivity.

When the nominating committee has an inventory of candidates who are qualified and they are presented to the board for approval. The board will review each candidate and decide on a list of nominees that will be put to a votes of the entire membership. The board can also review candidates who did not make the list, and then select individuals to serve on the board as directors at large. The board will vote on these directors at a later time. In many cases, the nominees will not attend the vote to allow the board to discuss their qualifications and ask questions in an informal setting.


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